Eko Aparthotel The Dreamers' Club - Garden za 4
Studio v Otok Korčula, Jadranska obala
- 2-4 Oseb
- 1 Spalnica
- 1 Kopalnica
- 40m²
Priljubljena destinacija za družinske počitnice v Lumbardi na otoku Korčula. Eko aparthotel The Dreamers' Club sestavlja 6 apartmajev in prostrana zelena okolica s številnimi terasami, kjer se nahajajo sprostitveni kotički, ležalniki, otroško igrišče, viseče mreže in hišica na drevesu.
- Dostopno parkirišče
- Klima
- Atipično
- Priporočilo varuške
- Košarkarsko igrišče
- Brezplačen dostop do kopalnice
- Zaliv
- Žar
- Plaža
- Osnovne stvari za plažo
- Kolo
- Sekljalnik
- Čoln
- Privez za čoln
- Čolnarjenje
- Knjige
- Kanu
- Centralno gretje
- Otroška gugalnica
- Čiščenje in dezinfekcija
- Čistila
- Climbing/Play structures
- Kavni avtomat
- Kolesarjenje
- Dnevno čiščenje
- Potapljanje
- Ekološko
- Eko turizem
- Energetsko učinkovite naprave
- Nujnosti
- Električna polnilnica za avte
- Dodatne blazine in odeje
- Filtrirana voda
- Gasilni aparat
- Prva pomoč
- Ribolov
- Hladilnik
- Popolnoma opremljena kuhinja
- Otroške igre
- Vrt
- Telovadnica
- Fen za lase
- Obešalniki
- Pets on premises *
- Gretje
- Stolček za hranjenje
- Pohodništvo
- Sesalec
- Jahanje
- Topla voda
- Internet
- Likalnik
- Kajakaštvo
- Grelnik za vodo
- Otrokom prijazno
- Kuhinjska niša
- Prenosnemu računalniku prilagojeno delovno okolje
- Parking information *
- Brisače
- Dolgoročni najemi mogoči
- Shramba za prtljago
- Marina
- Masaža na zahtevo
- Muzeji
- Brez plastike za enkratno uporabo
- Brez toaletnih potrebščin za enkratno uporabo
- V bižini ocena
- Ekološka hrana in pijača
- Veslo
- Parkirišče urejeno
- Terasa
- Hišni ljubljenčki zaželeni
- Zasebno parkirišče
- Zasebni vhod
- Profesionalno očiščeno
- Sistem za zbiranje deževnice
- Brezpapirni / recikliran papir
- Sistem obnovljivih virov energije
- Climb Stairs
- Romantično
- Jadranje
- Satelitska oz. kabelska TV
- Pogled na morje
- Deljen vozni park
- Shared spaces *
- Smučanje na vodi
- Detektor za dim
- Kajenje prepovedano
- Potapljanje z masko
- Spa v bližini
- Osebje
- Pečica
- Primerno za otroke (2+ leti)
- Primerno za dojenčke (mlajše od 2 let)
- Surfanje
- Informacije o ekološki ozaveščenosti namestitve
- Podpora trajnostnim projektom
- Trajnostni materiali
- Kopanje
- Tenis igrišče
- Terasa
- Toaster
- Brisače menjajo na zahtevo
- Potovalna posteljica
- Tv
- Vas
- Vinogradi
- Razvrščanje odpadkov
- Vodni športi
- Poroka
- Deskanje na vodi
- Kozarci za vino
- Ogled vinske kleti
- Leseno
- Delovna miza
Ocene 5.0 (17)
- Alana K.
A wonderful place to stay!
september 2024 - Peter
Thank you
Perfect one night stay on amazing location! Breakfast is a must!
avgust 2024 - Lara
A true dreamers experience 🫶
Peace and tranqulity by the sea gave us the real vacation mode feeling. Details are well chosen and the property with the sea view is beautiful. Beach with the bar and sup, kayak, boat, taxi etc. rentals is in front of the property so it is handy when traveling with kids. Highly recommended!
avgust 2024 - Ana
Very beautiful place, excellent breakfast and very curious ants 😎😎😎😎
julij 2024 - Vedrana K.
Everything was wonderful.
maj 2024 - Marko
Short but sweet!
Comfortable apartment in a perfect location, great for relaxing and unwinding. Will definitely return.
april 2024 - De J.
Little piece of paradise
Wauw! Amazing! We loved every little detail! Everything has been done to make it an escape to paradise. The colors,the furniture,the ambience,the welcome but the best of it all…breakfast…not a standard one…every guest had something different and not every day the same. You can not get tired of it. Everything you wish for. Perfect! My daughter can not have gluten. Immediately she went buying gluten free bread and cornflakes. Amazing. The two hosts did do a perfect amazing job! We surely hope nothing will change and next year we can enjoy the same value for money!!
avgust 2023 - Sasa &.
Perfect stay!
The place was immaculately clean and exceptionally comfortable, creating a peaceful atmosphere throughout. The lounge spaces provided a cozy spot to relax and unwind. The breakfast served was absolutely delicious and its a must! Above all, the host was incredibly friendly and helpful, making my stay even more enjoyable. I highly recommend this place and can't wait to return.
julij 2023 - South A.
I had an unforgettable one-night stay at this charming coastal retreat.
The delicious breakfast was a true delight. The bed was incredibly comfortable, ensuring a restful night's sleep. The real showstopper was the terrace, offering an amazing view of the marine with magical sunset colours, perfect for unwinding with a glass of wine. The staff's warm hospitality added an extra touch of magic to this dream getaway. Highly recommended!
julij 2023 - Damir
Amazing stay!
We had an amazing family stay at Eco Aparthotel Dreamers Club. The location was fantastic, offering a peaceful ambiance and breathtaking surroundings. The kids had a blast with the trampoline and adorable tree house, while we enjoyed all lounge spots and serene yoga sessions on the wooden terrace overlooking the sea. The hosts were warm and welcoming, and the breakfast exceeded our expectations with its healthy and eco-friendly choices. The apartments were comfortable and impeccably clean. We highly recommend this place for an unforgettable family getaway, especially with the nearby pebble beach adding to the charm.
junij 2023 - Staphanie w.
This place is amazing. Wonderful room and breakfast. The area is lovely and clean. The staff is so nice, friendly and helpful. We had an amazing time start to finish!
junij 2023 - Sandy B.
Our stay at Dreamers surpassed all expectations. The location, view from our room, comfortable & spacious apartment, best breakfast, yoga on the balcony and bikes for free so you can cycle to nearby wineries and beaches makes for unforgettable travel memories. Thank you Tanja for creating such a sustainable & special place. Sandy Sydney, Australia
september 2022 - Wioleta G. (Poljska)
Piece of paradise!
We just came back after two weeks spent in this wonderful place 🏖🐠🌞 It's not enough time to get to know them, but enough time to take amazing memories with us… ❤️ This piece of paradise that Tanya created is full of respect and love for the world around them. That's probably where the good energy comes from. Of course, each member of the crew contributes here. Being there, you can enjoy beautifully decorated apartments, wonderful views, relax in the garden, but "what is most important is invisible to the eyes" 👀 Thank you for your smiles and kindness every day ❤️ PS the best breakfasts under the sun 🏆
september 2022 - Matej G. (Slovenija)
Extremely kind host, offering spacious and very nicely decorated apartments, with gorgeous view on the Lumbarda bay. Delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfast, kind staff, willing to assist you every time.
avgust 2022 - Nick L. (Velika Britanija)
Our second stay at dreamers and once again everything was amazing!
Tanja and Olha are so welcoming and make sure you have everything you could want. The building and apartments have been restored to a very high standard which have been furnished to a very high standard. We loved the breakfast every morning it’s well worth having when you book, as you get so much for your money and is the best breakfast on the island. For me it’s the top place to stay on the island and is such good value for what you get, you could pay a lot more elsewhere for this quality of service and property.
julij 2022 - Marco
Amazing is all I can say! We came for 1 night, then ended up prolonging each day up to 4 nights, it was impossible to leave. It was rainy, sunny, cloudy, in every weather this cosy apartment was a perfect sanctuary that not only stole our hearts, but also our souls. Coming back very soon! Dean
junij 2022 - Oksana
THE most amazing experience ever!
This place is a dream! Romantic, clean, boho, tree house, amazingly helathy breakfasts (more like brunches), the view to the sea…just a dream! Thank you Dreamers’ team, you rock!
maj 2022
Varno - vedno z vami!
Na našega gosta ne pozabimo takoj, ko je rezervacija končana, temveč smo z njim ves čas njegovega letovanja. V času letovanja ali potovanja smo dostopni na dežurni mobilni številki 031 606 608, tudi (in predvsem) ob vikendih in v večernih urah.
Dobite avtentično informacijo
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja.
Tukaj smo za vas!
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah.
Zaljubite se v Jadran
Vsako od naših lokacij preizkusimo osebno, zato z gosti delimo nasvete in trike iz prve roke, tako kot bi jih dali najbližjemu prijatelju. Želimo, da se iz te čudovite jadranske obale vrnete domov zaljubljen vsaj pol kot mi.