Eko Aparthotel The Dreamers' Club - Aqua za 4
Studio v Otok Korčula, Jadranska obala
- 2-4 Oseb
- 0 Spalnice
- 1 Kopalnica
- 20m²
Priljubljena destinacija za družinske počitnice v Lumbardi na otoku Korčula. Eko aparthotel The Dreamers' Club sestavlja 6 apartmajev in prostrana zelena okolica s številnimi terasami, kjer se nahajajo sprostitveni kotički, ležalniki, otroško igrišče, viseče mreže in hišica na drevesu.
- Dostopno parkirišče
- Klima
- Atipično
- Priporočilo varuške
- Košarkarsko igrišče
- Brezplačen dostop do kopalnice
- Zaliv
- Žar
- Plaža
- Osnovne stvari za plažo
- Tik ob plaži
- Spalnica brez stopnic
- Kolo
- Sekljalnik
- Čoln
- Privez za čoln
- Čolnarjenje
- Knjige
- Kanu
- Centralno gretje
- Otroška gugalnica
- Čiščenje in dezinfekcija
- Čistila
- Kavni avtomat
- Kolesarjenje
- Dnevno čiščenje
- Potapljanje
- Ekološko
- Eko turizem
- Energetsko učinkovite naprave
- Nujnosti
- Električna polnilnica za avte
- Dodatne blazine in odeje
- Filtrirana voda
- Gasilni aparat
- Prva pomoč
- Ribolov
- Hladilnik
- Popolnoma opremljena kuhinja
- Otroške igre
- Vrt
- Telovadnica
- Fen za lase
- Obešalniki
- Pets on premises *
- Gretje
- Stolček za hranjenje
- Pohodništvo
- Sesalec
- Jahanje
- Topla voda
- Internet
- Likalnik
- Kajakaštvo
- Grelnik za vodo
- Otrokom prijazno
- Kuhinjska niša
- Prenosnemu računalniku prilagojeno delovno okolje
- Parking information *
- Brisače
- Dolgoročni najemi mogoči
- Shramba za prtljago
- Marina
- Maske na voljo
- Masaža na zahtevo
- Muzeji
- Brez plastike za enkratno uporabo
- Brez toaletnih potrebščin za enkratno uporabo
- V bižini ocena
- Ekološka hrana in pijača
- Veslo
- Parkirišče urejeno
- Terasa
- Hišni ljubljenčki zaželeni
- Zasebno parkirišče
- Profesionalno očiščeno
- Sistem za zbiranje deževnice
- Brezpapirni / recikliran papir
- Sistem obnovljivih virov energije
- Climb Stairs
- Romantično
- Jadranje
- Satelitska oz. kabelska TV
- Pogled na morje
- Deljen vozni park
- Shared spaces *
- Detektor za dim
- Kajenje prepovedano
- Potapljanje z masko
- Spa v bližini
- Osebje
- Pečica
- Primerno za otroke (2+ leti)
- Primerno za dojenčke (mlajše od 2 let)
- Surfanje
- Informacije o ekološki ozaveščenosti namestitve
- Podpora trajnostnim projektom
- Trajnostni materiali
- Kopanje
- Tenis igrišče
- Terasa
- Toaster
- Brisače menjajo na zahtevo
- Mesto
- Igrače
- Potovalna posteljica
- Tv
- Vas
- Garderobna omara
- Razvrščanje odpadkov
- Vodni športi
- Poroka
- Deskanje na vodi
- Kozarci za vino
- Ogled vinske kleti
- Leseno
- Delovna miza
Ocene 5.0 (10)
- Nika G.
a perfect dream
We spent wonderful days at the Dreamers Club. The name is right. The team is always helpful and extremely friendly. Everything is very pretty and the outdoor areas are really inviting. We had a great meal here. A brunch with so much imagination. Highly recommended. We'll be back!
oktober 2024 - Kyla
Highlight of our trip to Croatia
Dreamers was the perfect local for our trip to Croatia. Lumbarda iand Korcula are gems and Tanja was so helpful in making our trip perfect. Breakfast was amazing and you get a good workout every time you go up and down the stairs! There are a lot of stairs, so this might be an issue for people with mobility issues.
maj 2024 - Imke v. ()
Traumhafter Urlaub
Wir haben im September wieder einen herrlichen Urlaub an diesem magischen Fleckchen Erde verbringen dürfen. Es war das 6. Mal und wir planen fürs kommende Jahr wieder, unseren Urlaub dort zu verbringen. Man muss es gesehen und erlebt haben. Das Team von Adriaperlen ist sehr zuvorkommend und aufmerksam, zaubert ein unglaublich besonderes, gesundes Frühstück und ist für ihre Gäste immer da. Wir freuen uns sehr auf ein Wiedersehen
november 2023 - Naida i.
Best place in Adriatic coast
Highly recommended
julij 2023 - Guest
Our stay at The Dreamers Club in Korcula was a serene getaway.
The lounge spaces provided a peaceful retreat, while the comfortable apartment offered breathtaking sea views and a nice terrace with loungers. The breakfast served at The Dreamers Club was a delightful culinary experience. We savoured fresh, locally sourced ingredients and enjoyed a range of delicious and healthy options. The care and effort put into the breakfast menu were evident, adding a special touch to our mornings. Our host and the owner were so kind and always available to provide assistance and recommendations (great tips for restaurants and beaches! Thank you!), making us feel welcomed and cared for. The Dreamers Club is the perfect place to unwind and appreciate the beautiful Korcula Island!
junij 2023 - Saša S.
Amazingly charming location!
We really came tired and have a very recharging, peaceful time here. Apartment is so inspirational and cozy, very nicely decorated, ones feels like in a fairy tale. Just wanted to say thank you again for your lovely place. We still thinking about it and it has encouraged us to get rid of some much of our “stuff” and live more mindfully. I have eaten porridge and fresh fruits every day since - and I never ate breakfast before!
april 2023 - Oma W.
Highly recommend!
Such and unique amazing place!! One of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. It’s really like heaven on earth. Tanya and her team were so wonderful and great to work with - and the breakfast spreads they create are amazing!
oktober 2022 - Florence K. (Velika Britanija)
The location is fantastic
The host Olja is amazing and took really good care of us. The location is fantastic and you have the most beautiful view for breakfast. There are many good restaurants at a walking distance as well as a beach bar.
september 2022 - Ron a. (Švica)
Life is but a dream...
It would be hard to imagine a more ideal property or a better location at which to while away the hours and days than the Dreamers' Club! The six apartments are all well-appointed and have superb views across Lumbarda Bay to other islands and the Peljesac peninsula, and the beach next to the marina below is a little gem all of its own. The property has been lovingly conceived with plenty of pillowed cabanas and other shady spots, both for adults and children. Tanya and her staff do all they can to make their guests comfortable and to accommodate their needs. Lumbarda even when full of summer guests feels like a marvelously calm corner of the world, and as low-key and authentic experience as one can find in Dalmatia, while full of exquisite beaches and great culinary experiences at local restaurants. And don't forget to pass by the Bire Winery for some of the finest wines in Croatia ;-)
julij 2022 - Maja
Our 3- night stay at The Dreamers club was amazing!
The rooms are gorgeous, the shared outdoor spaces are so relaxing and the breakfasts are delicious. You're just steps away from the beautiful Adriatic sea with lots of spots to go swimming. Located in the heart of Lumbarda it's more quiet, but lots of restaurants in walking distance and Korcula old town only an 8 minute drive away. You're also close to lots of wineries! Tanya gave us so many great recommendations for Korcula as well as Dudruvnik area. Cannot recommend this place enough! We will definitely be back!
maj 2022
Varno - vedno z vami!
Na našega gosta ne pozabimo takoj, ko je rezervacija končana, temveč smo z njim ves čas njegovega letovanja. V času letovanja ali potovanja smo dostopni na dežurni mobilni številki 031 606 608, tudi (in predvsem) ob vikendih in v večernih urah.
Dobite avtentično informacijo
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja.
Tukaj smo za vas!
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah.
Zaljubite se v Jadran
Vsako od naših lokacij preizkusimo osebno, zato z gosti delimo nasvete in trike iz prve roke, tako kot bi jih dali najbližjemu prijatelju. Želimo, da se iz te čudovite jadranske obale vrnete domov zaljubljen vsaj pol kot mi.