Eko Aparthotel The Dreamers' Club - Love za 4
Studio v Otok Korčula, Jadranska obala
- 2-4 Oseb
- 1 Spalnica
- 1 Kopalnica
- 40m²
Priljubljena destinacija za družinske počitnice v Lumbardi na otoku Korčula. Eko aparthotel The Dreamers' Club sestavlja 6 apartmajev in prostrana zelena okolica s številnimi terasami, kjer se nahajajo sprostitveni kotički, ležalniki, otroško igrišče, viseče mreže in hišica na drevesu.
- Dostopno parkirišče
- Klima
- Atipično
- Priporočilo varuške
- Košarkarsko igrišče
- Brezplačen dostop do kopalnice
- Žar
- Plaža
- Tik ob plaži
- Spalnica brez stopnic
- Kolo
- Sekljalnik
- Čoln
- Privez za čoln
- Čolnarjenje
- Kanu
- Centralno gretje
- Otroška gugalnica
- Čiščenje in dezinfekcija
- Čistila
- Kavni avtomat
- Kolesarjenje
- Dnevno čiščenje
- Potapljanje
- Ekološko
- Eko turizem
- Energetsko učinkovite naprave
- Nujnosti
- Električna polnilnica za avte
- Dodatne blazine in odeje
- Filtrirana voda
- Gasilni aparat
- Prva pomoč
- Ribolov
- Brezplačno čiščenje
- Hladilnik
- Popolnoma opremljena kuhinja
- Otroške igre
- Vrt
- Ograjena nastanitev
- Telovadnica
- Fen za lase
- Razkužilo za roke
- Obešalniki
- Pets on premises *
- Gretje
- Stolček za hranjenje
- Pohodništvo
- Sesalec
- Jahanje
- Topla voda
- Internet
- Smučanje na vodi
- Kajakaštvo
- Grelnik za vodo
- Otrokom prijazno
- Kuhinjska niša
- Prenosnemu računalniku prilagojeno delovno okolje
- Parking information *
- Brisače
- Dolgoročni najemi mogoči
- Shramba za prtljago
- Marina
- Masaža na zahtevo
- Gorsko kolesarjenje
- Muzeji
- Brez plastike za enkratno uporabo
- Brez toaletnih potrebščin za enkratno uporabo
- V bižini ocena
- Ekološka hrana in pijača
- Veslo
- Parkirišče urejeno
- Terasa
- Hišni ljubljenčki zaželeni
- Profesionalno očiščeno
- Sistem za zbiranje deževnice
- Brezpapirni / recikliran papir
- Sistem obnovljivih virov energije
- Climb Stairs *
- Romantično
- Jadranje
- Satelitska oz. kabelska TV
- Pogled na morje
- Zavarovano parkirišče
- Shared spaces *
- Smučanje na vodi
- Detektor za dim
- Kajenje prepovedano
- Potapljanje z masko
- Spa v bližini
- Osebje
- Pečica
- Primerno za otroke (2+ leti)
- Primerno za dojenčke (mlajše od 2 let)
- Surfanje
- Informacije o ekološki ozaveščenosti namestitve
- Podpora trajnostnim projektom
- Trajnostni materiali
- Kopanje
- Tenis igrišče
- Terasa
- Toaster
- Brisače menjajo na zahtevo
- Mesto
- Potovalna posteljica
- Tv
- Vas
- Garderobna omara
- Razvrščanje odpadkov
- Vodni športi
- Poroka
- Deskanje na vodi
- Kozarci za vino
- Ogled vinske kleti
- Leseno
- Delovna miza
Ocene 4.9 (14)
- Kerstin S.
Herbst auf Korcula
Danke für so viel Freundlichkeit, perfekten Service und excellentes Frühstück - wir haben unseren Urlaub sehr genossen
oktober 2024 - Christine N. (Nemčija)
Southern happiness
What a perfect place for vacations. We have seen a lot in Croatia, but this is certainly one of the best places to stay and the staff was just amazing. Thank you so much, we are already looking forward to seeing you again!
avgust 2024 - Nina R.
All the best! 😊
We’re returning customers for many years. This place is above everything! 😊
oktober 2023 - Sally E.
3 days of relaxation
Beautiful spot for some rest and relaxation. Can walk to the Sandy beach and wineries. Tanya and Inna are wonderful hostesses. Inna makes an incredible breakfast (no need for lunch).
september 2023 - Ela
Enjoyed every minute of my stay here!
Amazing stay in dreamers paradise!
avgust 2023 - Steve W.
Nice place to stay
We stayed for 5 days and enjoyed our accommodation and especially Korcula.
junij 2023 - Stephanie B. (Velika Britanija)
Gorgeous place with a few speed bumps
Really beautiful accommodation in a great location. The room wasn’t completely ready when we arrived and host communication was a bit delayed. We were also offered yoga thinking it was complimentary with the stay and then were charged for it when we left. Were also told the wrong time, but then we were given late check out which was appreciated. The bar also wasn’t open throughout the stay which was a bit of a shame. Breakfast was lovely though - worth the 20 euros! Would recommend.
maj 2023 - Kellie K.
Wonderful Place and People!
My husband and I enjoyed our stay at the Dreamer's Club. We stayed for three nights. The owner and her staff were fantastic. They are lovely people. They took good care of us. It is a clean, inviting and tranquil place. The breakfast was amazing and the location was wonderful. Everything you need is nearby such as the sea, walking paths, paddle boards rentals. bikes, scooter rentals, boat rentals, hiking, wineries, restaurants, grocery store. We both highly recommend the Dreamer's club to family and friends and would stay there again in a heartbeat.
december 2022 - Kate M.
Fabulous stay!
Do yourself a favour and book this place! The staff are so fabulous and helpful and we had just the best time. Beautiful, large rooms, so many places to relax and read a book or share some wine, best breakfasts we’ve had in Europe and within walking (or cycling) distance to so many wineries and swimming spots. We could also cycle to Korcula which was great for an evening as well.
september 2022 - CreativeNook
Piece of paradice!
Please do yourself a favor and check into the Dreamer’s Club. It will be the highlight of your stay in Croatia, and you’ll be sure to want to return, as we have, all the way from South Africa!
september 2022 - Ivica J. (Kanada)
Super Cute property with great staff and owner
A very well done restoration and conversion. We had the top level suite with vaulted ceilings, a great view, plenty of natural light and space. The staff was very friendly, helpful with our needs and gave recommendations to restaurants and attractions. They also set us up with the local private taxi on land and in water. The owner happened to be there the same time and she was very accommodating and super friendly to us and our young son. It’s in a cute town and close to Korcula which is not far. Our good friends stayed here about 5 years ago. They loved it, we loved it, and when on the island again, this will be home again.
avgust 2022 - Natasa G.
Vrhunski razgled na udobni terasi!
Dreamers je presegel vsa naša pričakovanja. Uživali smo v vseh sproščujočih kotičkih, ki jih ponuja. Otroci pa so bili najbolj navdušeni nad hišico na drevesu, ki ponuja prelep pogled. Apartma je v drugem nadstropju in razgled iz terase je res nekaj posebnega. Zajtrki so nekaj, kaj mora vsak doživeti, ko biva tukaj. Zeloooo okusni in zdravi. Komaj čakam, da se vrnemo. Hvala gostiteljici Tanji za vse nasvete in informacije o Lumbardi.
avgust 2022 - Eoin B. (Irska)
Great place to stay on a beautiful island with the most friendly and helpful host!
The accommodation, facilities and amenities were great and we wished we stayed longer. Lots to do in the area and some great local recommendations from the host. The breakfast was also great! Highly recommended.
julij 2022 - Arvid O. (Švedska)
Very tasteful and a beautiful place to spend your vacation.
We travelled with three kids and booked all our nights for our vacation after arriving in Split. One of the places was The Dreamers's Club where we stayed for 3 nights. Very tasteful and a beautiful place to spend your vacation. 5 minutes with car from the old city of Korcula, but you have restaurants and nice swimming just outside the door in Lumbarda if you prefer that. I would definitely book "with breakfast" because the breakfast was something that will stick in my head, both the way they served it but also the food. Loved it!
julij 2022
Varno - vedno z vami!
Na našega gosta ne pozabimo takoj, ko je rezervacija končana, temveč smo z njim ves čas njegovega letovanja. V času letovanja ali potovanja smo dostopni na dežurni mobilni številki 031 606 608, tudi (in predvsem) ob vikendih in v večernih urah.
Dobite avtentično informacijo
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja.
Tukaj smo za vas!
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah.
Zaljubite se v Jadran
Vsako od naših lokacij preizkusimo osebno, zato z gosti delimo nasvete in trike iz prve roke, tako kot bi jih dali najbližjemu prijatelju. Želimo, da se iz te čudovite jadranske obale vrnete domov zaljubljen vsaj pol kot mi.