Eko Apartmaji Sonce - apartma Modrina morja za 4
Apartma v Otok Korčula, Jadranska obala
- 4 Oseb
- 1 Spalnica
- 1 Kopalnica
- 45m²
Sončni apartmaji s pogledom na morje so na mirni lokaciji in imajo čudovit ambient, zasebni ogrevan bazen, plažo le 60 m stran, zunanji žar in brezplačni Wi-Fi. Idealno za družine z majhnimi otroki!
- Klima
- Otroška prenosna posteljica
- Balkon
- Žar
- Osnovne stvari za plažo
- Kolo
- Čoln
- Kavni avtomat
- Ekološko
- Energetsko učinkovite naprave
- Nujnosti
- Električna polnilnica za avte
- Filtrirana voda
- Kamin
- Zamrzovalnik
- Hladilnik
- Popolnoma opremljena kuhinja
- Vrt
- Fen za lase
- Ogrevan bazen
- Gretje
- Stolček za hranjenje
- Internet
- Otrokom prijazno
- Prenosnemu računalniku prilagojeno delovno okolje
- Parking information *
- Brisače
- Dolgoročni najemi mogoči
- Komarniki
- Veslo
- Parkirišče urejeno
- Hišni ljubljenčki zaželeni
- Unfenced Pool/Jacuzzi
- Privatni bazen
- Zasebno parkirišče
- Zasebni vhod
- Sistem za zbiranje deževnice
- Brezpapirni / recikliran papir
- Sistem obnovljivih virov energije
- Climb Stairs
- Romantično
- Satelitska oz. kabelska TV
- Pogled na morje
- Shared spaces *
- Kajenje prepovedano
- Primerno za otroke (2+ leti)
- Primerno za dojenčke (mlajše od 2 let)
- Podpora trajnostnim projektom
- Trajnostni materiali
- Tenis igrišče
- Toaster
- Brisače menjajo na zahtevo
- Potovalna posteljica
- Tv
- Vas
- Razvrščanje odpadkov
- Vodni športi
- Kozarci za vino
Ocene 4.8 (13)
- CECILE D. (Francija)
Stressless in Lumbarda
Second stay here for 9 nights: great time there! (Except hungry mosquitos!) Thank you for welcoming us so nicely
september 2024 - Vesna S.
Perfect spot for a relaxing vacation!
We had a great time and a super relaxing holiday. The apartment was very charmingly furnished, and you can quickly tell that the entire house is decorated with great attention to detail and aesthetics. The outdoor terrace with the pool is very inviting, making it easy to relax all day. Just a few minutes' walk away, the turquoise sea provides a wonderful refreshment. The communication before booking and during our stay with Vesna on-site was excellent. We felt welcome right away. Highly recommended 💫
avgust 2024 - Sarah
Our stay at Korcula
Hello, had a lovely time at the apartment and Vesna was very helpful! It is in a great location and nicely decorated with great views and a lovely pool. Thank you!
junij 2024 - Georgina M.
Excelent place
All excelent! I l recomendet everybody
avgust 2023 - anne l. (Francija)
Happy to come again one day
Nice apartment nice location nice people
avgust 2023 - Damir
The location is amazing!
And the apartment itself is incredibly comfortable and clean! The highlight is undoubtedly the magnificent terrace with a pool (heated!), which provided endless enjoyment for the children. The space for socializing is so cute, featuring a spacious table and a well-equipped barbecue area, all tastefully decorated in a bohemian style. The hosts were friendly and accommodating. They gave us such good tips about where to eat well and locally and what to see. Thanks! We are certainly looking forward to returning in the future.
julij 2023 - Darya P.
Comfy apartments with amazing sea view and pool!
We loved our stay here and would be happy to return in the future. Especially the heated pool and sun terrace with sea view. Also the bed was very comfortable to sleep on and apartment had everything we needed for a perfect stay. The host vas very nice and gave us very good tips about where to eat good and what to do here. Thank you!
september 2022 - Christine B. (Nemčija)
Sehr schöne Ferienwohnung in toller Lage
Wir waren nun zum 4. Mal auf Korçula, allerdings zuvor in einer anderen Bucht. Das Haus liegt in 2. Reihe gegenüber der kleinen Hafenstadt Lumbarda. Man erreicht fußläufig mehrere Restaurants, Supermärkte und den Kiesstrand. Ca. 10 Autominuten entfernt liegen 2 schöne Sandstrände. Unsere Ferienwohnung lag im 1. Stock und somit hatten wir einen wundervollen Blick über die Bucht und Lumbarda. Der Pool am Ferienhaus ist relativ klein (130cm tief) reicht aber zum Abkühlen und planschen. Für die Kleineren gibt es einen extra abgetrennten Bereich (40 cm tief). Direkt vor dem Pool ist eine großzügige Essgelegenheit an der gut 10 Personen Platz finden. Ein Tischbein ist morsch und unten abgebrochen, das erschwert es ein wenig den Tisch zu verschieben (z.B. bei Regen weiter unter das Dach). Über eine Steintreppe gelangt man zum oberen Sonnendeck. Auch hier hat man einen sehr schönen Ausblick und kann in den Sitzsäcken oder den Liegestühlen verweilen. Die Wohnung war sehr schön mit viel Liebe zum Detail eingerichtet. Im Schlafzimmer hat uns ein Kleiderschrank gefehlt so dass wir "aus dem Koffer" gelebt haben. Es waren viele Küchenutensilien vorhanden, was jedoch gefehlt hatte war z.B. eine Schere, Feuerzeug, und Weingläser (es gab nur eins). Ein paar Kleinigkeiten gäbe es in der Wohnung noch zu machen (herunterhängende Halogenleuchte in der Küche, abgeklemmte Kabel die aus der Wand ragen, zerbrochener Türriegel - so konnten wir die Tür nur schließen wenn wir sie abgeschlossen haben) allerdings ist es schwer, Handwerker auf Korçula zu finden. Ansonsten hat es uns aber sehr gut gefallen. Der Kontakt mit der Gastgeberin Tanja war äußerst nett und hilfreich und wir würden das Haus jederzeit weiterempfehlen :)
september 2022 - Lusnickic R.
Apartment with pool
Very nice apartment with pool and beautiful sun terrace. We enjoyed on the terrace with amazing view and kids loved the pool.
avgust 2022 - Marianne H. (Norveška)
Excellent place to stay
We had a lovely stay in Lumbarda. The apartment has met our expectations and can certainly be recommend. Nice and clean, wonderful garden with a lovely pool. We hope to come back to this wonderful place.
julij 2022 - Linda &.
Amazing! Best apartment ever
Our 3 little kids had so much fun in the pool and we were just chilling by the pool watching them. The best advantage the pool is heated, as being there in the beginning of May ment everything. Apartment is gorgeous, very stylish, very comfy matresse and cozy eqqipped. Host went out of her way yo make us feel amazing. To be returned!
maj 2022 - James
Perfect holidays in May!
Our May holidays were all that I hoped. Relaxed atmosphere, easy walk to the sea and restaurants, swimming in heated pool was just a cherry on the top. Amazing views and coves. Our host Tanya was so lovely, always smiley and helpful.
maj 2022 - Benno
Great place, full of adorable details! Very warm pool
It was so amazing, we needed to prolong our stay. The restsurants that Tanya recommended were just delicious, we went couple of times in Maslina and Skafetin. Thanks a lot!
maj 2022
Varno - vedno z vami!
Na našega gosta ne pozabimo takoj, ko je rezervacija končana, temveč smo z njim ves čas njegovega letovanja. V času letovanja ali potovanja smo dostopni na dežurni mobilni številki 031 606 608, tudi (in predvsem) ob vikendih in v večernih urah.
Dobite avtentično informacijo
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja.
Tukaj smo za vas!
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah.
Zaljubite se v Jadran
Vsako od naših lokacij preizkusimo osebno, zato z gosti delimo nasvete in trike iz prve roke, tako kot bi jih dali najbližjemu prijatelju. Želimo, da se iz te čudovite jadranske obale vrnete domov zaljubljen vsaj pol kot mi.