Eko Apartmaji Sonce - apartma Pozdrav Soncu za 4
Apartma v Otok Korčula, Jadranska obala
- 4 Oseb
- 1 Spalnica
- 1 Kopalnica
- 45m²
Sončni apartmaji s pogledom na morje so na mirni lokaciji in imajo čudovit ambient, zasebni ogrevan bazen, plažo le 60 m stran, zunanji žar in brezplačni Wi-Fi. Idealno za družine z majhnimi otroki!
- Klima
- Otroška prenosna posteljica
- Balkon
- Žar
- Osnovne stvari za plažo
- Kolo
- Čoln
- Čiščenje in dezinfekcija
- Kavni avtomat
- Kolesarjenje
- Ekološko
- Energetsko učinkovite naprave
- Nujnosti
- Električna polnilnica za avte
- Filtrirana voda
- Kamin
- Zamrzovalnik
- Hladilnik
- Popolnoma opremljena kuhinja
- Vrt
- Fen za lase
- Ogrevan bazen
- Gretje
- Stolček za hranjenje
- Internet
- Grelnik za vodo
- Otrokom prijazno
- Parking information *
- Brisače
- Dolgoročni najemi mogoči
- Komarniki
- Veslo
- Parkirišče urejeno
- Hišni ljubljenčki zaželeni
- Unfenced Pool/Jacuzzi
- Skupni bazen
- Zasebno parkirišče
- Zasebni vhod
- Sistem za zbiranje deževnice
- Brezpapirni / recikliran papir
- Sistem obnovljivih virov energije
- Climb Stairs
- Romantično
- Satelitska oz. kabelska TV
- Pogled na morje
- Shared spaces *
- Kajenje prepovedano
- Potapljanje z masko
- Primerno za otroke (2+ leti)
- Primerno za dojenčke (mlajše od 2 let)
- Trajnostni materiali
- Kopanje
- Tenis igrišče
- Brisače menjajo na zahtevo
- Tv
- Vas
- Razvrščanje odpadkov
- Vodni športi
- Kozarci za vino
Ocene 5.0 (14)
- Ulf u.
Excellent relaxing and nutrishing Holiday!
oktober 2024 - Paulina
It was a great place!
The friendly owner gave us a tour of the whole space and terrace by the pool. The garden and pool area were like a wellness retreat, with plenty of loungers, bean bags, and a double canopy bed. The apartment was spacious, with a large balcony and comfortable beds. The kitchen had everything we needed. The decor was Mediterranean, with lots of light blue, turquoise, and beige. The sofa bed for our daughter was big and comfortable. Dog-friendly too!
junij 2024 - Carolina v. (Nemčija)
Vorsaison in Lumbarda
Wunderbare Tage auf Korcula und in Lumbarda…
maj 2024 - Irina
Do stay here!
Gorgeous place, with an amazing view and lovely staff. We stayed in a second-floor apartment. The sunrise view from the balcony is to die for. The apartment has all the things you need, it’s clean and the bed is great. I wish that I could have stayed longer. Vesna and her cat Mala are lovely.
oktober 2023 - Luise u.
a little paradise
Excellent relaxing place, high energy, very good food prepared by heart, friendly team with high attentiveness. Thank you very much! I will come back!
oktober 2023 - Uroš S. (Slovenija)
Wonderful vacation
We had a really nice stay at Sunshine Apartments in Lumbarda. The view is exceptional and the location is pretty good (near Lumbarda). The pool was just awesome for our kids :) And ofcourse the staff was just great!
julij 2023 - Kristina f.
Beautifully decorated apartment, new bathroom.
An absolutely fantastic outdoor area with a swimming pool which was frequently used. The apartment was nice and had a good atmosphere. Also the terrace from the apartment is spacious and offers beautiful view to the sea. Rocky beach is only 2 min away down the road.
november 2022 - Tanja K. (Francija)
Tanja is a very friendly host full of very good advice.
the view, close to convenience, decor very pretty and done with taste, the deck with the pool superb, the free bike loan.
november 2022 - Johanna g.
very nice accomodatin
very nice accomodation
oktober 2022 - Alen S. (Hrvaška)
Nice holidays
Lumbarda is amazing! Nice place, only 100m from beautiful beach, great barbicue area nearby swimming pool, friendly host!
julij 2022 - Sasa F.
Holidays in a modern accommodation with heated pool!
This was a short nice stay in Sunshine apartments. We especially loved the pool and sun terrace with scenic sea view. Perfect spot for relaxing and enjoying the holidays with a nice book. Apartment was really comfortable and had everything we needed and the terrace was sooo spacious. I loved my morning coffee with sea view there.
julij 2022 - Marko N.
Super počitnice in odličen apartma!
v začetku maja sva se kopala v prenovljenm ogrevanem bazenu - terasa je bila top! Razgledi Korčule so čudoviti, hrana božanska, cel otok je za ponovit!
maj 2022 - Breda B. (Slovenija)januar 2016
- david (Ameriška Samoa)
was perfect
was perfect
september 2015
Varno - vedno z vami!
Na našega gosta ne pozabimo takoj, ko je rezervacija končana, temveč smo z njim ves čas njegovega letovanja. V času letovanja ali potovanja smo dostopni na dežurni mobilni številki 031 606 608, tudi (in predvsem) ob vikendih in v večernih urah.
Dobite avtentično informacijo
Naši napotki niso standardne turistične floskule. Skoraj vsaka informacija se začne s stavkom: "Ko sem bila jaz tam...". Kar vam povemo, 100% drži. Sovražimo olepševanja in zavajanja.
Tukaj smo za vas!
Cel čas letovanja smo za vas dosegljivi na dežurni mobilni telefonski številki. Ko zgrešite trajekt, potrebujete zdravnika ali samo informacijo, kje se v Korčuli dobro je, smo za vas dosegljivi in vam vedno pomagamo, tudi ob vikendih ali večernih urah.
Zaljubite se v Jadran
Vsako od naših lokacij preizkusimo osebno, zato z gosti delimo nasvete in trike iz prve roke, tako kot bi jih dali najbližjemu prijatelju. Želimo, da se iz te čudovite jadranske obale vrnete domov zaljubljen vsaj pol kot mi.